"Laughing Song" Sheet Music


"Laughing Song" Sheet Music


This sheet music is for George W. Johnson’s famous “The Laughing Song.” The cover references the popularity of Johnson’s recording of this song. At this point in the music industry, sheet music was still a primary form of music consumption, as recordings did not yet have a high sound quality, most homes did not have a phonograph machine, and cylinders wore out very quickly. The cover also reveals the kinds of racial stereotypes were very common in music marketing well into the twentieth century. This sheet music would likely be played around the parlor piano in a white, middle class home.



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This sheet music is for George W. Johnson’s famous “The Laughing Song.” The cover references the popularity of Johnson’s recording of this song. At this point in the music industry, sheet music was still a primary form of music consumption, as recordings did not yet have a high sound quality, most homes did not have a phonograph machine, and cylinders wore out very quickly. The cover also reveals the kinds of racial stereotypes were very common in music marketing well into the twentieth century. This sheet music would likely be played around the parlor piano in a white, middle class home.